Monthly Challenges to help you live better longer


Gents sitting around a campfire

We prioritize our health and relationships.
We want to be physically and mentally fit enough to do what we love with who we love for as long as possible.
We call each other on our BS, question our assumptions, and push each other to be better.
We look out for our friends, family, and neighbors.


Two guys preparing to hike up a mountain

Alright my man, picture this: You're on the brink of something epic, something that's gonna dial up your life to eleven.We're talking about one month of pure focus that's gonna have you living better, longer, with a swagger like Jagger.You know all those things you've been meaning to get around to? Well, it's time to stop the scroll, cut the crap, and get down to business.We're not just handing you a list of routines and protocols; we're throwing down the gauntlet with actionable steps, real accountability, and a sprinkle of risk to make it all worth your while.It's about setting that intention, marking your calendar, and putting some skin in the game. Money, pride, progress – whatever lights a fire under your ass.You're gonna announce it to the world, or at least to someone who'll call you out if you slack off. And if you're not up to scratch? Well, let's just say your wallet might feel a bit lighter. But it's all good, because when you commit for real, you're setting yourself up to be the guy you want to be.Choose your arena: Sleep, Testosterone, Mobility, Alcohol, Dopamine, Social Health. Each challenge is a battleground for your personal growth, a way to test your mettle and come out stronger on the other side.So, are you in, or are you in? Because, dude, this is about more than just dialing it in for a month. It's the beginning of the rest of your awesome life. Ready to kick some ass? Pick a Challenge below to get started!


Fitness events, meetups, and group classes are the secret sauce to leveling up your game. It's like having your own personal squad, pushing you to smash those goals while you're having a blast.Every rep, every mile, you've got a crew right there with you, making sure you don't slack. Plus, it's a killer way to meet folks who get it, turning sweat sessions into social gold. You're not just building muscle; you're building friendships that go the distance.

Sleep Challenge

Huberman tweet about sleep

Alright, champ, let’s morph your Z’s into hero-level sleep with a Sleep Challenge. Get ready to revamp your den into a snooze palace, cherry-pick a nightly win to track, and go all-in with a public pledge and some cold hard cash to keep you honest.1. Set up your sleep sanctuaryAim for a cave vibe—pitch-black, chill, and silent. Snag those blackout curtains, an eye mask for jet-setting, and dial in the chill to a crisp 65-68°F. Ditch the electronics to curb the late-night scroll fest, and maybe let a white noise machine or air purifier hum you to dreamland.2. Pick one behavior that you're not already doing🥃 No alcohol. Booze you lose. This tends to have the biggest impact on sleep.
☀️ Get morning sunlight within 30-60 minutes of waking up or asap.
🕘 Maintain a consistent sleep schedule. Wake up and hit the sack at the same time every day.
☕ Caffeine curfew. No caffeine 8-10 hours before bed. Pick a time and make that your curfew every day.
🧘 Meditate. Pick a time that's convenient. Before bed if possible. The idea is to practice so you'll be able to relax and calm your mind. It'll help you fall asleep faster or get back to sleep if you wake up in the middle of the night.
📔 Journal before bed. This will help you clear your mind and relax.
🏋️ Exercise. If you already do a little, take it up a notch. You'll sleep a lot better if you exhaust yourself physically.
📺 No screens one hour before bed. Read, do some stretching, or have some fun with your partner 😉
3. Commit for one month🗓️ Put it on your calendar. E.g. Walk 7-8am for morning sunlight.📣 Tell your crew what’s up.💰 Make it official on It'll walk you through the setup. Select “custom goal” and that you'll report weekly. Schedule the end date 30 days out, and put enough moolah on the line that losing it would sting. Then, rally a buddy to join the crusade or cheer you on.The Forfeit app is a good alternative if you don't like Stickk.Let’s make those sheep count you for a change. Ready to turn bedtime into your secret weapon?

Additional ResourcesSome people like to use wearables like Whoop and Oura to track their sleep. Tools like these can give you an objective understanding of how you're sleeping and how certain behaviors affect your sleep. A word of caution though - some people get too anxious and worried over the results of their trackers and end up with worse sleep as a result.Huberman Lab: Toolkit for SleepWhy We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams by Matthew WalkerSleep Smarter: 21 Essential Strategies to Sleep Your Way to A Better Body, Better Health, and Bigger Success by Shawn StevensonMomentous Sleep PackMomentous Elite Sleep

Testosterone Challenge

Optimal Testosterone image from Art of Manliness

Ready to go from Bruce Banner to the Incredible Hulk? Ok, not quite. But this Challenge will help you optimize your testosterone levels.See the additional resources below - this is not medical advice, talk to your doctor, test your levels first, be smart, yada, yada.Alright, here’s the game plan:1. Design Your Den
Turn your space into a testosterone-boosting haven.
Sleep has a huge impact on testosterone. Hit up the Sleep Challenge page for tips on creating a sleep sanctuary because quality Z's are key.
Get alcohol out of the picture. If possible, don't keep it in the house. Or, at the very least, make sure it's out of sight.Get rid of the sugary foods and drinks and refined carbs around your house. White bread, white rice, pasta, pastries, sweets, soda, etc.. If you can't get rid of them, move them so they're out of sight and harder to get to.Optimize your social health. Spend time with positive, supportive people you enjoy being around. Bonus points if you can incorporate a workout or something physical.2. Choose Your Daily Victory
Whether it's saying "later" to liquor, amping up your exercise, soaking in some rays without the burn, embracing the chill, or turning up the heat, pick the habit that's not in your current arsenal.
🥃 No alcohol. Booze you lose. Few things will tank your test levels like alcohol.🏋️ Lift heavy, hard, and fast. Don’t go to failure. Keep it under an hour, and 2-4 days a week max.☀️ Get outside and get some sunlight on your skin (mid/late day) and don’t burn!🥶 Get cold. 2 to 3 minutes under a cold shower will do the trick. Even better if you have access to a tub or creek.🥵 Get hot. Find a sauna or steam room and hang out for 10 to 15 minutes. Avoid taking hot baths as boiling the boys might take your test levels in the wrong direction.😴 Get 7-9 hours of really good sleep.🧘 Reduce the bad stress. Meditate. Journal. Play some ball. Put a comedy playlist on repeat. Pick something you can do every day to relax, laugh, or have fun.🐪 That’s a camel and this tip is more humpin! Try for at least 2 or 3 days a week.💊 Vitamin D. Get a test done and if you’re low, consider taking a high quality Vitamin D supplement.🥩 Eat more protein. Aim for 1 gram per pound of body weight. Red meat can have a positive effect on test levels, but it can also be hard on the heart. So proceed with caution.3. Commit for one month🗓️ Put it on your calendar. E.g. Walk 7-8am for morning sunlight.📣 Tell your crew what’s up.💰 Make it official on It'll walk you through the setup. Select “custom goal” and that you'll report weekly. Schedule the end date 30 days out, and put enough moolah on the line that losing it would sting. Then, rally a buddy to join the crusade or cheer you on.The Forfeit app is a good alternative if you don't like Stickk.Gear up, commit, and transform. It's not just about the gains; it's about setting up for a life where you're always at your peak. Let’s get it!

Additional ResourcesAs mentioned in the disclaimer below, this is not medical advice. Consult your doctor first.Consider doing a blood test before and after making any changes. That can help you determine which changes, if any, are necessary, and how those changes affect you. Your doctor might be able to order a test for you, or you can go through a 3rd party like InsideTracker or Blokes. Depending on your insurance, going through your doctor might be cheaper.Dr. Robert Sapolsky: Science of Stress, Testosterone & Free WillDr. Kyle Gillett: How to Optimize Your Hormones for Health & VitalityPerformance-enhancing drugs and hormones: risks, rewards, and broader implications for the public | Derek: More Plates, More DatesThe role of testosterone in males and females, performance-enhancing drugs, sustainable fat loss, supplements, and more | Derek, More Plates More Dates Pt.2AMA #28: All things testosterone and testosterone replacement therapyNo Biological Free LunchesTongkat AliFadogia AgrestisCod Liver OilMagnesium Threonate

Mobility Challenge

Kelly Starrett we are built to move

Tired of feeling like the Tin Man and everything hurting all the time? Then it’s time to step up!You’re going to jumpstart your movement and begin performing and feeling better.- Easy mobilization practices to increase range of motion and avoid injury
- Less stiffness
- Fewer aches and pain
Here's the game plan:1. Optimize your space for movementClear some floor space. Make it easy to move often. If you work from home, consider getting a standing desk or a treadmill desk. More gear options in the additional resources below.2. Register for the free 21-DAY BUILT TO MOVE CHALLENGE3. Commit for one monthThe Built To Move Challenge is only 21 days. For the remaining 9 days repeat anything that was especially difficult or that you feel could use more practice. At the very least, you can commit to walking 10,000 steps per day for the remainder.🗓️ Put it on your calendar and schedule your movement time.📣 Tell your crew what you’re up to.💰 Make it official on It'll walk you through the setup. Select “custom goal” and that you'll report weekly. Schedule the end date 30 days out, and put enough moolah on the line that losing it would sting. Then, rally a buddy to join the crusade or cheer you on.The Forfeit app is a good alternative if you don't like Stickk.Imagine you at 70, not just walking but running circles around everyone else. That's the goal. This isn’t about turning back the clock; it's about winding it up for a future where you’re more mobile, more capable, and hell, just more awesome.Remember, it's not just about moving more; it's about building a life where you can move freely, without pain, and with all the energy you need to live your best life. Let’s do this!

Alcohol Challenge

1) Design your environment.
2) Pick the daily behavior you'll track.
3) Commit: Schedule your behavior, make it public, and put money on the line.

Social Health Challenge

1) Design your environment.
2) Pick the daily behavior you'll track.
3) Commit: Schedule your behavior, make it public, and put money on the line.

Dopamine Challenge

Andrew Huberman on dopamine

Alright, dude, it's time to reboot your brain's reward system and get those dopamine levels back to their prime. We're not just talking a minor tweak; we're launching a full-blown Dopamine Challenge. This isn't for the faint of heart—it's for those ready to get the most out of their neural pathways and grab life by the horns. Let's dive into the Challenge.1. Design Your EnvironmentObjective:
Remove the things that easily spike dopamine. This is about setting the stage for success by cutting out the noise and temptation.
Make those dopamine spikes harder to access. Uninstall all non-essential apps from your phone and computer. Social media, news apps, and any other digital distractions need to go. Disable all non-essential notifications. If it doesn't require immediate action, it doesn't need to interrupt you.Get rid of the junk food, alcohol, nicotine, and anything else you usually indulge in. If you can’t remove them entirely, at least get them out of sight and make them harder to get to.Avoid melatonin supplements, as these can decrease dopamine levels and can disrupt your normal sleep patterns. Melatonin is only recommended for jet lag.2. Pick one thing to improve your dopamine levelsSleep, exercise, and nutrition are the most important. If you already have those dialed in, pick something else from the list that you’re not currently doing. It should be something you can stick to for the duration of the challenge.😴 Get 7-9 hours of high quality sleep. Good sleep will restore your dopamine reserves.🧘 Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR). This can increase your dopamine reserves up to 65%.🏋️ Exercise at least 5 days per week.🥩 Eat tyrosine-rich foods such as red meats, nuts or hard fermented cheese. Tyrosine is an amino acid and a building block of dopamine — a diet rich in tyrosine will sustain your body’s natural dopamine production.☀️ View early morning sunlight for 10-30 minutes daily without sunglasses. Just don’t stare at the sun and damage your eyes.🥶 Get cold. 2 to 3 minutes under a cold shower will do the trick. Even better if you have access to a tub or creek.🥵 Get hot. Find a sauna or steam room and hang out for 10 to 15 minutes.3. Commit for one month🗓️ Put it on your calendar. E.g. Exercise from 7-8am.📣 Tell your crew what’s up.💰 Make it official on It'll walk you through the setup. Select “custom goal” and that you'll report weekly. Schedule the end date 30 days out, and put enough moolah on the line that losing it would sting. Then, rally a buddy to join the crusade or cheer you on.The Forfeit app is a good alternative if you don't like Stickk.Remember this challenge is more than just a series of tasks. It's about rediscovering the joy in the simple things, recalibrating your brain's reward system, and ultimately, transforming your life. The first few days might feel like climbing Everest in flip-flops, but stick with it. The view from the top—feeling calm, focused, and genuinely happy—is worth every step.